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FZU Computing Center
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FZU Computing Center
Main Menu
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Available Data Space
Data Storage Directory /mnt/nfsXY
Local Working Directory /scratch
User Home Directory /home
Available Data Space
How do I check my usage of NFS servers?
How do I check the usage of home directory?
How do I increase quota size limit?
How do I recover deleted file(s)?
What quotas are set to user home directory?
Where can I back up my data?
Which data storages are available within the farm Golias?
Which file systems are automatically backed up?
Basic Information
Golias Farm Overview
New User Account
Password Change
CESNET Data Storage
Computing Clusters at FZU
Cluster Luna2019
Cluster Luna2021
Cluster Luna2022
Cluster Luna2023
Cluster Magma
Clusters Luna in Comparison
Nodes Luna in Comparison
Data Backup and Data Recovery
Another Possibilities for Data Backup
Data Backup
Data Recovery
General Instructions for Job Submission
Data Recovery
General Instructions
Making Use of /scratch
Job Submission
Cputime and Walltime Multipliers
HTCondor Batch System
Accounting Groups
First Test Example
HTCondor Commands
HTCondor monitoring scripts
Interactive Jobs
Job Restrictions and Resource Limits
Concurrent Running Jobs
Get HTCondor Walltime Limits
Job Execution Time
NFS Servers Access
Submitted Jobs
Job Submission File
Job Submission File Examples
Second Test Example
Useful Links to HTCondor Documentation
Long-Term Job
Job Submission (Batch System HTCondor)
Are there any default resource limits set for jobs?
How do I activate e-mail notifications?
How do I change the requirement for walltime?
How do I delete my job?
How do I forbid rerun of my job in case of any failure?
How do I get a job time limit?
How do I get information on a specific worker node?
How do I get information on completed jobs?
How do I get information on running and waiting jobs?
How do I limit the number of concurrent running jobs accessing one NFS server?
How do I limit the number of concurrent running jobs?
How do I run a MPI job?
How do I run an interactive job?
How do I specify an accounting group?
How do I submit a batch job?
How do I submit a job on OS SL6?
How do I use a /scratch at a local disk?
How many jobs do I submit at one moment?
Is it possible to run a job on a worker node that is offline?
What does the job status code mean?
What queues are available for job submission?
What types of worker nodes are available?
Where can I find more information on HTCondor?
Where do I find an overview of running and waiting jobs at the Golias farm?
Why is my job in hold state?
New User Account
How do I apply for a user account at the farm Golias?
How do I change a login shell?
How do I change my password?
How do I run GUI on the login server?
How do I use Kerberos for login?
I forgot my password. What should I do?
Which servers can I log in to?
How do I acknowledge usage of computer center resources?
How do I get a personal certificate?
How do I print files within the farm Golias?
What gcc versions are available within the farm Golias?
Whom do I contact for support?
Personal eScience Certificate
How to Convert to PEM Format
How to Get a Certificate
Queue Luna
Available Data Space
Basic Information
Current State of Queue Luna and Clusters Luna
Node for Interactive Work – luna.fzu.cz
Queue Luna Statistics
Submitting Jobs to Queue Luna
Useful Links to Metacentrum Website
User Account at MetaCentrum
Account Validity Renewal
Annual Account Renewal
New User Account
Golias cluster
Pro uživatele
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