How do I run GUI on the login server?

A: It’s actually quite simple to do. Follow next steps:

Step 1: at ui[1-3]

  • start VNC server. For the first time it is necessary to set a password. The password needs to be remembered – it will be required by the VNC client. When VNC server starts running, the display number is shown in the console.
vncserver -localhost

Step 2: at your local computer

  • establish SSH tunel – the tunnel will route packets from localhost (at port 5901) to the remote host (at port 590x) through port 22
ssh -f -C -N -L 5901: username@ui[1-3]

where x stands for a display number, at which VNC server is running

  • run VNC client
vncviewer localhost:x

where x stands for a display number, at which VNC server is running

Running VNC server can be terminated at ui[1-3] with the command:

vncserver -kill :x

where x stands for a display number, at which VNC server ran.

If you prefer to use another GUI than the default GNOME, e.g. XFCE, simply edit the file $HOME/.vnc/xstartup in your home directory.

exec /usr/bin/xfce4-session

In case you are using the OS Windows it is necessary to set up SSH tunnels in Putty (see picture) and then run vncviewer.

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