HTCondor Commands

Each job is identified by a pair of numbers. The first one is the ClusterId, the second one is the ProcId. If you submitt N jobs within one condor_submit command, then the ClusterId will be the same for all of these jobs, but the ProcId will go from 0 for the first job to N-1 for the last job.

  • condor_submit <condor.sub> – submit a job
  • condor_q – check job status
  • condor_rm <job_ID> – delete a job
  • condor_history <username> – list all your recently completed jobs
  • condor_q -run – show your running jobs and related information
  • condor_q -long <job_ID> – get detailed information about your job
  • condor_q -analyze <job_ID> – get more details if your job is in Hold or Idle status
  • condor_hold <job_ID> – put a job into the hold state
  • condor_release <job_ID> – release a held job
  • condor_ssh_to_job <job_ID> – create an ssh session to a running job in a remote machine
  • condor_prio – set the priority to your jobs
  • condor_qedit <job_ID> – modify job attributes (only for idle jobs)
  • condor_status – view current status of all worker nodes
  • condor_status -avail – view slots that are not busy and are ready to run jobs
  • condor_status -long <machine> – view the complete ClassAd of a specific machine
  • condor_status -submitters – show number of running, idle and held jobs per submitter
  • condor_q -allusers – show other users‘ jobs

Job Status Codes:

1IIdlea job is waiting for a worker node to become available
5HHolda job will not be scheduled to run until it is released
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