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New User Account
Fill in a registration form. Please use a non-trivial password for the first login and use your institutional e-mail address. Ask the head of your department for an approval and for a signature. Send your registration form to the computing centre representative (chudoba at fzu.cz)
Log in to the user interface ui.farm.particle.cz as soon as you receive an e-mail about a new account creation. Change your password (you will be asked automatically). Please, take the password security seriously, and use more than 12 characters and choose a combination of characters from at least three character sets: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers or non-alphanumeric symbols (e.g. %, &, *, #, etc.).
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Please be aware of the fact that this mailing list isn’t suitable for solving problems. Use RT (Request Tracking) system via e-mail address fzu at rt4.cesnet.cz to report problems or to ask questions.