Account Validity Renewal

In case you have not been using your account at MetaCentrum for a long time and/or you did not ask for account renewal within the prescribed period, and therefore you have lost the access to MetaCentrum, renew validity of your account in the following way.

If you remember your password, fill in the form for an account renewal. Go to and choose the option “Annual report and extension of accounts”. Your identity will be checked on-line through the Czech Academic Identity Federation Fill in the form.

If you forgot your password, set a new password first and after that fill in a form for an account renewal. Go to , choose the options “Password change” and “Password reset”. Your identity will be checked on-line through the Czech Academic Identity Federation (Click “” and “Institute of Physics” and enter a username and a password for your VERSO account). Set a new password. Then go to and choose the option “Annual report and extension of accounts”. Fill in the form.

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